Thursday, June 25, 2009

Living for God part 3

sorry for the long delay cheryl, been busy doing other things. like, u know, those awesome facebook 'pick 5' stuff. yeah. anyways!

I understand that you think I don't need to start a christian fellowship group, I happen to agree (of course I do). But maybe, I dunno, we 'should' be doing things that I we necesarily don't need to do. Yeah I know, I confused me too. Let me explain. (Or, elaborate. 'Explain' is a deceptive term in this case, as I will probably end up confusing you and myself instead of making things clearer. Anyway.) Like you said, the Spirit dwells inside us and guides us and all that, but what about the Word of God? The Bible states that our mission is to spread the Gospel isn't it? But, if 'spiritually' ('spiritually' because maybe my fleshly desires are overwhelming what I think I should be doing) I don't feel the urge to, then what? Isn't spreading the Good News like, a kind of default mission that other things kinda need to fall around? That's probably not the best way of wording it, but you know what I mean. "I'm only here to get my degree" sounds good on paper, but I have a feeling if the book of Revelations came to pass this instant, if I were to look into Gods face and tell Him what I think about the matter that I would say it simultaneously thinking that I had a pathetic reason really.

Which actually might mean that my Spirit yearns to start a group... Hmmm there are so many groups already... Maybe I could join? Wait, the yearning is gone. And I'm back to being confused. Grrrr, curse my doubtful nature and human desires! I think I just rendered the whole last paragraph obsolete? Wow, THIS is what my English teacher meant by 'waffle'. My bad Miss.

Oh and Cheryl, I do fully agree with what you said about God having the final say, I'll just add that instead of sacrificing something and asking if it's worthy, maybe we should just ask what to sacrfice. Obedience would probably save us a lot of time and pain. Did I say probably? I meant definately.

1 comment:

  1. liking this post & the last paragraph. I think sometimes you have to do things that you don't really understand but know that you're meant to do them anyway. I don't think joining a group would be a good/bad thing. It's just sort of void. You belong to a church congregation & youth programme already you know? But to declare the gospel as in revelations terms might just mean that in any & every conceivable opportunity to share the word, you do. someones having a bad day, tell them how you find comfort in praying. someone on the train is short with change, give them what they owe & start talking, the talking could evolve into you asking them to come to church. I think it's just keeping your mind open to detect possibilities in your day to share something of god. no grand standing, yelling on street corners, being over bearing. just being yourself, doing one good deed & act of missionary work at a time. not much else to say on this homes.
