Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Cringing. That's what I've been doing tonight, a lot. Been reading very old MSN logs, of conversations between my and my dear friend Jonathan, from a long time ago. It's quite encouraging in a way, because you get to see how much you've grown, but at the same time, it's sucky remembering how much of an idiot I used to be.

The things I cared about.

The things I found funny.

The lies I told to impress.


Well, I'm here now, a changed man (man? I'm a man right? 20, yeeeaah boii), so it's okay, that does make me feel better. It just sucks that I'm probably going to read emails and msn conversations from now in about 5 years time and still think the same thing.

Ah well.

Things I like more than other things of similar nature

McCartney > Lennon

Overcast days with no rain > Sunny days

Kill Bill 2 > Kill Bill 1

Long walks with iPod > Driving

11 > 12 and 13

Chandler being mean > Monica being mean

Firefox > IE

New covenant through the sacrifice of Christ > Old covenent of obeying rules

Being way too cold > Being way too hot

Union > League

Wing Chun > Hung Ga

Old man preacher who is wise > Loud preacher with heaps of funny stories

PC > Mac

Edward and Jacob are both good to Bella in their own ways.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Shotgun McCartney

Me and my friend Joel had our first song-writing session today. Came up with a decent sounding chord progression, some lyrics for a few verses and it probably sounds exactly like a song that I love, and I just havn't realized it yet. Had a few minor disagreements on what to concentrate on, which was good because now we know what we both want, and what we find more important in music. Very much looking forward to our next session.

Oh, and now I really want to learn how to play keyboard.

About Brad, Ben, and Chris

(I remember me and Syavie talking about this years ago...)

Gwyneth Paltrow went out with this:

Then she was on and off with this:


She married...


He must have a REALLY good personality.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Nah that sucks."

Although I am constantly denying it, there is something that Amy accuses me of, a lot. It's nothing really big, but it annoys me because I don't think it's true. Actually, the truth is that it annoys me because it might be true. And even as I'm writing this, I'm not too sure if it is or not. So what is it then? It's simply this: that I like some things only because most other people don't like it, and dislike other things purely because most people like it.

Okay, so examples help. What are some things that I don't like that pretty much everyone else does?

Well, I don't get into Glee. But my reason is that I find the protagonist really really annoying. So are most of the other characters. Sue Sylvester is the least unfunny out of the cast, actually occasionally crossing the line into funny, but in general, I just can't find myself rooting for any of these characters. But that's just me personally.

I'm also not really a fan of Stan Walker. Don't think he sucks, because he could sing circles around me (that's not exactly greatest compliment though, im kinda... ultra sucky.), but I just didn't think he was the amazing singer everyone gushed about. Then again, I don't listen to others about this kinda stuff; they probably thought Ben Lummis was mega awesome.

Not a Queen fan. But I don't really know why. Me just being a hater.

Oh, and I can't stand flash phones. Like, overly flash phones. And I'm pretty sure that it's not because I'm just jealous. It's just weird when people own a digital camera, an iPod touch, and a laptop... But they want a phone with a camera, a music player, and a Qwerty keyboard. What the ass.


Anything to do with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. Which means, anything to do with Tim Burton or Johnny Depp.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Few thoughts 3

For ages, I thought Eagle Eye Cherry was white.

I will never have posters of people in my room. Too freaky man. I used to when I was a kid, but now that I'm older and more foolish, I just get creeped out by them. All people in posters look directly at you. Wherever you are in the room, they are staring at you. No blinking, no shifting of the gaze; nothing. And at night, when the lights are off, and you can't see them, they're still looking at you.

People who are awesome at things should stop being so modest. Like, yeah, be humble, but don't be so unreasonably modest about it. It's a bit annoying. Especially people who are awes at guitar. Because when I ask them to teach me a song, they'll be like "Oh, it's easy as bro." Then they play something so fast that I don't realize they had started playing. Then they finish. I only barely had enough time to notice how awesome they are. Then they give me the guitar and go, "You have a go."


Damon Albarn and his cartoons strike again. 'Plastic Beach' by Gorillaz rules. Might be my favourite album released this year so far. Can't be bothered writing a review though, numb fingers. Might write one later. "On Melancholy Hill" is quite possibly my favourite Gorillaz song to date.

Ke$ha and Star Trek. Mean:


2 Chronicles 26

Just read some more Old Testament (inspired by taking Planet Changers woot!), as we've been studying past kings, and as usual, it kinda freaked me out. There was a king named Uzziah, and he was a great king, and lead his people to many victories and became famous. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. Then, well of course, he got proud. Because God had helped him, he was succesful. But he thought it was ALL because of him, and him alone.

So he tries to be cool and take the priest's job. And he gets owned. By owned I mean he gets leprosy on his forehead (the place where a king gets annointed). And then he gets banished from the kingdom, and lives out the rest of his days in a secluded house, alone. All together now everyone... OWNED. But okay, it's not that much of a laughing matter, because there's a lesson.

The lesson is humility and obedience. (oh thank you Jesse for the churchy sounding words and vaugeness. you rock.) Cliche sounding as they may be, they're true.

What does that mean for us? I guess we shouldn't lose sight of our creator, our Lord, and our provider. Honour God because all the blessings we have is thanks to Him. Like, I'm not kidding. And while you're at it, if you want to, you can thank Him for not obliterating you into a gajillion (that's one million googols) pieces for sinning 24/7, therefore constantly offending Him. It doesn't have to be out of fear, because let's be honest, if God was gonna sass us up every time we really played up, we'll all be... well, really SASSED up. So obviously there's grace and mercy upon our lives that means we don't have to constantly thank Him. But for those in a relationship with Him, it should be in our heart to do it anyway, even if it's once in a blue moon when it occurs to us.

There's also a more subtle and important lesson: we all have our places. Uzziah was king, but only king. Not priest, not prophet; king. This means that we have a calling on our lives. Whether or not they seem amazing to you immediately isn't the point. The point is that we're created for our own unique puposes, and therefore have characteristics and talents to help us achieve that. It's not our place to choose another destiny for ourselves.

If you're not a christian and you're reading this, it may sound oppressing or whatever that I'm saying we all have our destinies set. That's cool. We're all free to believe what we want right. But what I've learnt is that all stories are stories; not lessons. By this I mean that anyone can take whatever they want out of a story (whether it's a Bible story, a news report, or just a piece of fiction). Other christians may not even have gotten out of that story what I did, and likewise, you are free to read it and make up your own mind.

And if you disagree with me, awesome, hit us up with a comment and we'll debate like civilised people with too much time on our hands.

(thanks to Matt Jorgie for the heads-up on the forehead being annointed bit)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Something that really annoys me, is when people call out "boy!" or "oi gill!". What happened to sir? And maam? Or miss, or mister? Are so newfashioned that we can't say it anymore? Yes people, it's one of those old school fads that we should bring back; its called MANNERS.

Frick maaan.

Now I don't even look when people call out 'oi boy', even when I know it's directed at me.

In defence of FAKE wrestling.

Disclaimer: this post is a little long and probably won't interest any of the people who I know actually read this. So if you don't care about pro wrestling, you might wanna give this is a miss. Unless you're curious to know why someone like me would enjoy something as seemingly mindless as WRESTLING. Maybe. I dunno. Anyways. You've been warned.

This is to all the haters out there who don't like pro-wrestilng or WWE, and think wrestling is stupid and think that people who like it must be idiots. Well, we are idiots mostly, because wrestling is kinda stupid. But hear me out.

Wrestling is so totally fake.

And? You know that movie that you really really like? Yeah, it's fake. It was actually filmed by a director, acted out by actors, and written by people who made it up. When you're discussing Sex And The City, do you see me lean in and say "Carrie isn't really a person! She's fake!"? No you don't.

But why should people cheer for John Cena to win if the results are predetermined and both the wrestlers know the ending? Waste of time isn't it?

It's the same as watching a romcom and hoping Hugh Grant and whoever the chick is end up together. Or watching a horror and hoping the good looking guy survives. Or watching Shortland Street and HOPING Kieran gets snapped. Even though these are already set in stone, because it's written by the writers, we still hope things turn out the way we want, because we start to get to know the characters and hope they get they what they deserve, good or bad.

And it's exactly the same for wrestling.

The wresters are also characters. Rey Mysterio is a little dude who has a big heart. He's honest and hardworking, and we cheer for him because he fights honourably, and is the underdog. CM Punk is a dickhead, through and through. He berates others for not believing what he believes in, and is an insulting and condescending person. So we boo him. Sure, that's what the WWE creative team WANT us to think, but that's like any other form of entertainment. We're supposed to cheer for the good guy and boo the bad guy. Just like in books. And films. And TV shows. What's the difference? It's just that with wrestling, it seems that it's 'cooler' if you know if it's fake and treat it that way. News flash: You're what society calls "a douche bag".

Well at least with Sex And The City, I can relate to Carrie. She's real. But these wrestlers aren't like real people!

They're not playing sexually promiscious women from New York. They're playing athletes in a sport. Athletes tend to be toned. And they tend to diss other athletes in their sport. And you often see them competing in their sport. Shock and awe. Just like how the wrestlers in WWE portray them!

Well whatever, their moves look fake. Why don't they try make it look more realistic??

Because the cat's out of the bag. Once people realized it wasn't real, the game changed. People know it's fake right? So what's there to be gained by making everything uber realistic? You're not fooling anyone. Think about it. With people knowing it's all just scripted, they can begin to make things a bit more exciting. Moves can be more flashy. Without being tied down by trying to fully maintain the illusion, you can branch out and come up with new manuveurs that wouldn't really help you in an MMA or boxing match, but are purely there to look entertaining.

Also, matches can be longer. A 'real' wrestling match couldn't last half an hour, because if the things that they did were real (you think anyone would wrestle again after recieving a piledriver), they would be dead by the half-hour mark. Just look at UFC. You'll be lucky if heavyweight title bouts last 5 minutes. Because that's how long it takes to scout an opponent, tire them a bit, then lock on a submission or continually hit them with blows. And with 2-hour weekly shows, WWE can't be running 5-minute main events.

So that's why people climb up to the turnbuckle, then leap off and fall onto their opponent. Because it looks awesome. You don't believe me? Go onto youtube. Search for 'Swanton Bomb'. Or better yet, 'Shooting Star Press'. Or if you really wanna have your mind blown? Look for the '450 Splash'. These moves are not meant to be overly realistic. They are there to be... well, to look totally kickass.

Ok fine, but tell me this? Wouldn't it get boring? Surely after a while all the wrestlers would have performed all their moves onto everyone? Wouldn't all matches pretty much look the same?

The answer? It's something that we call 'story-telling'. Story telling is exactly what it's name implies: it's a story told in the ring. What does that mean? Well, imagine this:

Triple H is the WWE Champion. Randy Orton wants the championship, and hates Triple H. But he's a bit... well, unhinged. Kinda crazy. Orton attacks Triple H backstage for no reason other than to intimidate him. He attacks his father-in-law by punting him in the head viciously. He physically assults Triple H's wife, and then while she's knocked out... he kisses her. Ouch. Triple H is obviously furious, so he goes to Orton's house and assaults him, resulting in him tossing Orton out through his window. Then they get booked for a match at Wrestlemania. But the stipulation is that if Triple H gets disqualified, he will lose the title automatically.

This is a rivalry. The more 'in the know' word for it is a "feud". When they finally have their match at Wrestlemania, there is a story behind it, motives for both 'characters', and it's just a match between two sports men. It becomes personal. So there's a story. And that story can be told in the ring.

Will Triple H disregard the championship and attack Orton illegally during the match? What kind of moves will he use? Will his anger get the better of him? Or will he try win it legit? Chances are, he'll wanna attack very hard because he HAAATES Orton. But in a way that will be legal? We'll see. And there's Orton's side. He now has Triple H rattled, and can exploit that. Orton's moves in the match will be slow. Methodical. He'll want to draw out Triple H, make him more angry, let his anger take over, therefore force a mistake.

So there we have it. Instead of just a match where two wrestles simply try to out-wrestle another, we have a match where their storyline and motives actually dictate how they wrestle, and how they perform.

Of course, there are so many other sides to story-telling that I won't get into in detail. There's psychology (limping slightly if your ankle has been hit a few times, making slight facial expression changes when something occurs to you, etc).

There is also making style clashes apparent. For example, a match between a light quick wrestler and a heavier opponent will exploit the differences. When the smaller man jumps off the top of the ropes, maybe the other dude will catch him mid-air. When the big man lifts his opponent for a slam, the quickness of his opponent will allow him to reverse and roll the bigger man for a pin.

But that's enough. I'm not here to make you like it. Only to make you understand that if you don't like it, and you diss it, you sound like a complete fool because you don't know what it's about. It's part soap opera and part stunt-performing. Diss the wrestlers all you want, but they are incredibly talented. They're not actors, or stunt performers, or public speakers. But they have to be decent at all of them. On top of that, the current UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar is a former wrestler, and has said that professional wrestling was the most difficult thing he's ever done in his life. He says pro-wrestlers will never truly get the props they deserve. Ladies and gentlemen, your UFC Champ.

And if you're still reading this, consider yourself lucky. Because this was almost a "Why Lost Rules" column, and would have been 5 times as long as this.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Few thoughts 2

Sometimes when I'm airguitaring in an empty house, I realize how ridiculous I look, so I feel too ashamed to continue. Knowing I can make myself that embarrassed is sad. And listening to Guns N' Roses in an empty house while sitting down is just wrong.

Lightsabers must be really hard to use, because surely it helps feeling the weight of a sword, using it's momentum to strike harder blows and all that. That must be why only Jedis use it. And Grievous. And wouldn't they have developed a way to make them silent? Actually, maybe they are silent these days. You know, when it's only a "galaxy far far away" and not "a long time ago". Shucks, do Jedis even exist still?

I havn't really LOVED a 'fast Hillsong song' since "What The World Will Never Take". Ditto for their slow stuff and "Stronger." On a related note, the chorus of "All Day" rules.

Rugby is truly on it's way out. At least, in this country. Once the All Blacks fail to capture the Rugby World Cup next year, everyone's gonna be moving to league and soccer (if they havn't already). Not that I care, as long as the Springboks continue to dominate, couldn't care less what people here think about union.

The reason why I write 'haha' instead of 'lol' in txts is because I'm trying to maintain the illusion that I'm right there with you, talking to you in person. Because in reality, you wouldn't tell someone that you're laughing; you just laugh. That's how they know. 'Haha' is the closest txting gets to truly portraying laughter. Telling someone that you're laughing out loud is like a movie character turning to the audience and saying "cue music to add tension." And also, if you're txting Dan Harvey and he doesn't write 'lol' or 'haha', he's not mad, he's just like that.

Best Codebreakers:

(if you can't be bothered watching them all, just watch the last one. but watch them all, chris jericho is the man.)






Sunday, June 20, 2010

Album Review: Norah Jones - "The Fall"

The Fall by Norah Jones

Norah Jones lives in a musical era that doesn't allow for her to really make any impact on Top 40 charts or get much time on the MTV-type music channels, but let us be happy that 4 albums on, she still seems like she doesn't care. Sure, there the were the fluke successes of 'Don't Know Why' and 'Come Away With Me', but since then, can anyone really name any other singles? "That song that plays in that scene in Love Actually" doesn't count.

With the fourth album, Jones hits her most obvious shift in musical style. While her albums have slowly progressed from the soft jazz piano sound of her debut, she has never veered too far from the proven formula. We now know that the first 3 albums are a trilogy; a slow evolution of sound, with Jones developing herself as a songwriter, with ther 3rd album being the first that she penned entirely herself. The Fall however, is a new story, or maybe only the beginning of a new one. With a new band, new producer, new haircut, Jones has a new sound.

Okay, so maybe not entirely new. Songs like 'Tell Yer Mama' and 'Man Of The Hour' are great reminders of why she's good, and tread very familiar ground musically, but as one listens to each track, it becomes more and more obvious that this album was meant to sound different. The surprisingly pop keyboard sounds of 'Chasing Pirates' opens the album, and gives an idea to new directions. The drums are more prominent, there are craploads of different keyboard sounds, electric guitar, and even a song where all the vocals are double-tracked. "Even Though" slows it down a bit, but is carried by a strong bassline (how many times does that happen in a Norah Jones song), and is a brilliant showcase of her voice. The rest of the album is just as good, and gems like 'Young Blood' and 'It's Gonna Be' are worth purchasing the whole album for (unless you steal and feel no remorse. tsk tsk. no good.)

Lyrically, this album is mostly about relationships; their joys and pitfalls, beginnings and ends. Nothing crazy different from previous albums, but her songs are more musical this time round, and therefore the lyrics fit more to the melodies of her songs. I suspect she was more interested with the sound with this album, more so than before, but the pictures she paints with her words don't take a hit for it. And as if to hammer the point home, she sounds better than ever.

This isn't album of the year, nor will it be the album that finally gets haters to listen to her. But for those who are fans, or even those who enjoy the occasional single, this is a really really good album. Few artists these days are pure artists. By that I mean someone who writes their own songs, sounds just as good live, and doesn't care how well it sells or high it charts. Oh, and also writes good songs. I actually make time to sit down and listen to Norah Jones, and imagine a world with no auto-tune. A world where rap is represented by those with true genius and wordplay. A world where people have never heard of a Justin Bieber. Where not all rock sounds like either Nickelback or The Fray. One where Kanye never touched Auto-tune, and 'Good Ass Job' came right after 'Graduation'. And Radiohead was... no, scratch that, I wouldn't change anything they did at all.

Same goes for Norah Jones.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Deep rambling off the top of my dome. "Just botsing it", some would say.

Why aren't I more crazy.

And yeah, that's right, I'm too good for question marks. I write questions and end them with full-stops. And I call it a full-stop instead of a period. Recognise.


Why aren't I more crazy? I look at myself in the mirror (well, not really, but I got a mental image of myself), and I think: I really need to be more crazy. You know. Crazy, as in not caring what people think about me, and just being myself. Crazy as in not backing down from a challenge, even though it doesn't seem practical or even possible. Like those nuts as preachers from Africa. Or those crazy dudes from the Rotorua church that everyone in MNL is friends with (not knowing inside jokes that everyone else knows sucks by the way. another reason to not semi-backslide. anyway). Crazy as in actually living the way I say I do.

What exactly would I do though? How exactly would I be different? Hmmm. Well...

I suppose I would be honest a lot more. Because, in this society, it'll be crazy to be honest. We're expected to laugh at certain things, tolerate certain things, shun certain things, etc. If you don't, well, then you miss out on life, because society is over there, and you're way over here. We lie all the time, to each other, and to ourselves. And even spiritually, we start to tell ourselves that the places we put ourselves in are also the places God wants us to be. And then from there we start justifying ourselves. When really, as soon as we open our mouth ready with an excuse, we feel conviction in our hearts. I would have to be honest with myself and where I am in life. I'll have to ask questions of myself, like:

"Am I supposed to be here, in this time and place? In God's timing and planning, does it dictate that I should be doing what I'm doing at this exact moment?"

I get scared when I think of that question, because I suspect the answer is "No. Not even close." Followed by "You're supposed to doing THIS, over HERE." What's this and here? Knowing my luck, it'll be something that terrifies me. Somewhere I don't wanna be. I mean, hey, maybe I am where God wants me to be, and I fluked it by being selfish and God just kinda rolled His eyes and turned it round for good. But I mean, it's good to know right? Good to ask. If not, well, then be honset with yourself, cut your losses, and start obeying. It's also important to note that I'm not describing how I live, but rather how I believe we should live. You know, the whole "I'm preaching to myself as well" thing.

Except I'm not preaching. Well, hopefully not. I'm trying not to. I should also try to not ramble on and on, just because something occurs to me. Anyway, this post has probably gone a totally different direction than the beginning of it implied, because I havn't gone back to edit it, but who cares. Sporadic and unedited can be the theme for this hour. Maybe I'll make this a series and post more on it later. Maybe it'll never occur to me again. At the very least, I hope this post in some way encourages, motivates, or reveals something to you. If not, well, there are a lot worse ways you could have spent your time.

No? Come on, honestly, look closely!

Few thoughts

I get annoyed when parents say things like: "Oh my baby does THIS when you do THIS to it." But when the baby doesn't respond like how they wanted, they go make up excuses for the baby. Like: "Oh, except for when he's tired." or "Must be because he hasn't seen you since this morning." Why can't they just be like: "Man, my baby is straight-up inconsistent. Gotta work on that aye bubba! Aye bubba! Be more consistent with your performances to other people! Yes you do! Yes you do!"

Discussing religion/philosophy/Christianity with someone who doesn't always agree with me (and isn't a tool) can be quite fun, in a sitdown learny kinda way. Shot Brian for the engaging conversation that lasted one whole coffee. That coffee was meant for Facebooking with, but it's okay, I think preferred the brain stimulation.

A lotta movies I've been waiting for for aaaages are coming out soon. I need at least THREE of them to be good for me not give up on Hollywood. (most anticipated in bold):
-The Other Guys
-The Last Airbender
-Toy Story 3
-Knight And Day
-Charlie St. Cloud (don't be a hater)

If you havn't already, watch the Super 8 teaser trailer. Then join me in waiting and suffering for another year until it actually gets released.

Both Lupe Fiasco and Kanye West dropping albums this year. And we've already had B.O.B and Drake release theirs (havn't heard all of Drake's, but the B.O.B album rules). Feeling spoilt, but hey I'll take it.

The ending to Bat Fight will NEVER cease to be hilarious.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Traits I wouldn't mind having

The swordsmanship of Samurai Jack


The combined quick wit and sarcasm of Sawyer and Chandler


The seemingly constant happiness of children (and Goku)

lol JK, I meant:


The wisdom of Ps. Jim Shaw

For the moments you want to give up

To those struggling in situations in life and feel like giving up.



Henry Ford: the American founder of the Ford Motor Company and father of modern assembly lines used in mass production. His business and net wealth comes to about 188 billion!

But before that he failed and became broke FIVE TIMES.

Thomas Edison: the brilliant inventor who invented the light bulb.

But in school, his teachers said he was "too stupid to learn anything." He was fired from his first two jobs for being "non-productive." As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts before inventing the light bulb.

Abraham Lincoln: one of the greatest and most renown Presidents in US history, he succesfully led the country through the Civil War, as well as being the President to get rid of slavery in the U.S.

But before that he went to war a captain and returned after being DEMOTED to private. Afterwards, he was a failure as a businessman. As a lawyer in Springfield, he was too impractical and temperamental to be a success. He turned to politics and was defeated in his first try for the legislature, again defeated in his first attempt to be nominated for congress, and again defeated in his application to be commissioner of the General Land Office.

Michael Jordan: "the greatest basketball player of all time." - National Basketball Association

But in high school, MJ was cut from his basketball team because he was too short and just couldn't play properly.

Albert Einstein: recieved the Nobel prize for Physics in 1921, his contributions to science from aaages ago are still studied now! Time Magazine in 1999 named him 'Person of the Century'.

But he did not speak until he was 4 years old and did not read until he was 7. His parents thought he was "sub-normal," and one of his teachers described him as "mentally slow, unsociable, and adrift forever in foolish dreams." He was expelled from school and was refused admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School. He did eventually learn to speak and read. Even to do a little math.

Walt Disney: founder of Walt Disney Company, Disneyland, and all those movies you love! WD now earns an estimated 35 billion a year. A YEAR.

But before that he was fired by a newspaper editor because "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas." He went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland.

The Beatles: the most commercially and critically successful band of all time in the entertainment and music industry. In 2004 Rolling Stone magazine ranked them NUMBER ONE in their top 100 artists of all time.

But before they became big, they were rejected by numerous major record labels like Columbia Records. CEO of Decca Records said that "We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on their way out."

Dr. Seuss: an awesome writer of over 60 children's stories, like Cat In A Hat, which are known and adored worldwide.

But 27 publishers rejected his first book. He tried 28 times to get discovered!

Similar stuff from this book I've reading recently:

Rom 4:18 - "Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations."

Galatians 6:9 - "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."

2 Chronicles 15:7 - "But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."

Rom 8:25 - "But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."

Monday, June 14, 2010


"Okay guys, we're just gonna go over the songs we've been learning since camp, all 4 of them, just to get them right."

Not only did I not know the songs, I was on an instrument I havn't even mastered yet. Havn't come CLOSE to mastering it. Like, I pretty much spent the whole practise trying to find the right sound and figuring out the pedals. Well, now I know what not to do: take a break then take up a new instrument on my return. Ah well. I actually am liking electric guitar, just miss being able to just pick up a song on the instrument I'm on, like, on the spot.

Give it time Jesse.
Don't talk to yourself Jesse.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

From me, for me.

It's been a year since I've posted. Shucks. What's changed since the last time I wrote...

- I'm into wrestling again. And therefore again in love with Chris Jericho.
- Different Major. Well, not yet, but soon.
- Playing electic guitar for church instead of bass.
- Wearing more blue and less orange.
- I have like, 4 or 5 bands/artists I like more than Muse.
- Lost is no more, so there's an island-shaped hole in my heart that I suspect will never be filled.

What's the same?

- God is good.
- I'm flawed, and despite my best efforts (now THAT'S a lie), I'm still a sinner.
- I'm in love with my beautiful Amy.

And as I'm writing this, 'Let Down' by Radiohead starts playing on the computer; library's on shuffle. Is God trying to tell me something? Something to reword and post on the blog? Shuffle makes me go crazy sometimes, like every song is God trying to tell me something through it. Sigh. I'm going crazy. Ah well. Was bound to happen sooner or later. Maybe I should start talking to people again, stop being such a hermit.


"I am going to grow wings,
A chemical reaction, hysterical and useless"

This song rules.