Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Cringing. That's what I've been doing tonight, a lot. Been reading very old MSN logs, of conversations between my and my dear friend Jonathan, from a long time ago. It's quite encouraging in a way, because you get to see how much you've grown, but at the same time, it's sucky remembering how much of an idiot I used to be.

The things I cared about.

The things I found funny.

The lies I told to impress.


Well, I'm here now, a changed man (man? I'm a man right? 20, yeeeaah boii), so it's okay, that does make me feel better. It just sucks that I'm probably going to read emails and msn conversations from now in about 5 years time and still think the same thing.

Ah well.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I love/hate looking back at stuff like that :S cringe hard out
