Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Living for God PART TWO

Before I begin, I'm really tired right now and lot of it probably won't make any sense, aka I ramble a lot. And it's all opinion; I'm one guy who is wrong a lot, all of this is just my thoughts. If you don't agree, just let me know, and why.


“how you come to your own terms of sacrifice is between you & god.”

This denotes (Denotes? What a trying to sound brainy guy…) the possibility that the will of God is overruled by what we want. Our terms may be our terms, but they can never be the final say in what is right. According to Christian theology (Unless I’m mistaken? By all means correct me if I am), we can only decide to obey or disobey Him; at no point do we have a say in what should or shouldn’t be done, even by us.

“so because Christ's love is patient, kind & unconditional & when we take on that attitude & apply it in our own life it means we have the mindset to lead a life where we can not just "tolerate" people but love them & being more understanding towards life & the people we meet means that we have the space to change the world. - yknow, like a ripple effect.”

I agree with this. I would just add that even Jesus got annoyed and told off Pharisees for being dickheads. If we are to be like Him, we do love and understand, but there must be times we must know to speak out loud, even if it seems like we’re not being loving and kind, we are following His example. The key is knowing when to speak and what to say. That’s a whole different matter however, and I do digress. I must get back to the topic at hand.

To add on to what I said before, finding out what ‘living for God’ means that we have to examine whether or not there are a certain set of rules or commands that must be kept, or if it’s merely ‘doing what God tells us’. Are the times we live in so much different from Biblical times that we dismiss specific commandments in favor of “Oh well, you know, God works differently in these modern times and we can’t just go around doing exactly what the apostles did.”? More on this later; for now, I’ll go back to the Mother Teresa thing.

If we are to say that she followed her calling, then we agree that said calling is quite extreme. Or it is compared to our way of living anyway. But for me personally, I don’t feel the obligation or particular desire of any sort to do such a thing. And come to think of it, I don’t have an obligation or particular desire to do a lot of things I know Christians are called to do. The last time I prayed for a non-Christian outside of Church? Last year. The last time I tried to share the gospel with a non-believer? Ages ago, I can’t even remember. (I didn’t want to write it because I’m not proud of it, but I’m being honest because this isn’t a debate, it’s an honest question.) I do read my Bible still and pray and attend church regularly, but I seem to be lacking what a lot of people would refer to as the fire of God, or the passion. So examining this evidence, are we to conclude that I am not living for God? (I really hope not.)

I happen to believe that God has placed me where I am (U of A represent!). This is good, because hey, that’s where I am and it’s where I should be. 5 points for getting something right Jesse! But while I’m here, should I concentrate at all costs to get my degree? Or am I supposed to be starting a Christian group or joining one or something? I haven’t joined or started one, nor do I intend to, but I’m saying this because I feel that not only do I not have to, I probably shouldn’t. If God has put me here to get a degree, then I will. It must be of use for His kingdom in the future, or else why would I be here; but must that be my sole focus? I could be wrong. (lol of course I could, trying to make it sound like I never am… I’m no Dumbledore :D) I continue to live my life in a way that does still promotes His ways and is in line with scriptures, but this is not out of obligation, but merely out of what my heart now wants as it has been filled with the Holy Spirit.

In a previous post however, I mentioned that I didn’t always follow what I knew was right by God, and that I most probably followed them less than the greatest men and women of God ever did. I believe however that seeing as God is not a God that keeps count of our mistakes, this is irrelevant. I do slip up a lot but I think because I know I am in God’s will (well, mostly, I’m probably never going to be fully doing God’s will), it would be safe to say that I am living for God. There is still much more on this matter and I will cover it later.

Note: Gus, I’m saying all this in the assumption (well, more than an assumption) that God exists and that He is the Biblical God of the New and Old Testaments. A discussion on whether or not he exists will happen someday, but it does not concern this post. Sorry about not having it in Java too :D


  1. "Our terms may be our terms, but they can never be the final say in what is right."

    which is why I said the final result is between you & god. which is to say I'm assuming when you come to the Lord & pray about your sacrifice, whether or not it is sufficient or worthy etc that you will be answered so there's your final say in it. His way.

    As for the being placed at UoA you don't need to join/form a christian group if you're already living/preaching your morals & values by example. So that's covered?

    & yes to the Pharisees analogy.

    I think this all really comes down to, are you living your life with & by the spirit of revelation?

    That's what living for god is about.

    Because when you live by the spirit of revelation, you never need to fear/doubt if you are living for god because he is always present in your life. Speaks for itself really.

    You can't be living for god if the spirit isn't with you & there's your answer. Because the spirit only dwells with you when you make the right decisions etc etc

  2. to add to what Cheryl said, (well kinda, not really, actually it's semi-off topic)

    "This denotes (Denotes? What a trying to sound brainy guy…)"

    Jesse at least you used denotes in the right way - i.e the brainy way. I was trying to sound smart in an essay, got it back with a big ? beside 'denotes' and "alice was this the right word to use?"

    I like your blogs, keep it coming!

  3. More than an assupmtion in this case is, well, still an assumption. :D

    I joined the Christian club at uni when I was there. I listened to what was said and then they served free food.
