Friday, August 20, 2010

Be yourself. Whatever that means.

Most people can be categorized into two groups:

There are those who just follow the crowd, and do all they can to conform and be accepted by society as a whole. Then there are those who fight with all they have to go against the grain. Which of these two groups is more free?

If you think the second group, then I disagree with you. The first group isn't more free either; I believe both are living a lie.

People these days are so into being "different" that they are annoying me more than people who just follow the crowd in everything. Check this: If your whole personality is built on being different from what society would have you believe, doesn't that mean that you're following the crowd just as much? If you only do things because it'll piss off certain people, then not only are you just as devoid of identity, but it means that you're a douchebag.

I mean, think about it. We shouldn't be trying to be different. We should be ourselves, whatever others think. If we happen to do some things that are considered normal or mainstream, then so be it. And if we act in a certain way that may offend others, then so be it also. But it shouldn't be either or. Those who base their personalities on what mainstream society tells us are lost. But so are those who base their personalities on upsetting the mainstream society. Because both use mainstream society as a basis in the first place.

It's cool to be weird and yourself. It's not cool to be weird for the sake of being "that guy in the group who is so totally weird."


  1. but then if you're known for being yourself people will realise and then doing something that you would normally do would still be conforming to what people think of you. once again theres no way around it moot issue.


  2. I do agree, conforming to having showers is something I'm totally guilty of.

    Luke you need to rethink (and reword) your statement. Could probably use a ; too.

    e.g. I like action movies, it becomes well known

    People then think/know you like action movies

    I then go watch an action movie

    I just conformed to myself

    Their thoughts about me came from me, not from anywhere else.

    I went to see an action movie because I wanted to see one, not because anyone else told me to (unless they suggested a good one, but I don't think that is conforming).

    Conform means to do the norm, the norm is set by who ever.

    But if you set the norm for yourself then you are conforming to yourself which essentially defeats itself.

    Hence you are just being you, yourself and what ever you want to be.

  3. conforming to yourself isn't an issue luke; its actually kinda the goal. as long as you're not either conforming to society or anti-society.

    "...would still be conforming to what people think of you"

    but you won't be making any decisions based on what they think of you. thats the point. you would be doing it on your own accord. how others percieve you is a variable that doesnt come into the equation.

    other people's perceptions of you are irrelevent. whether or not someone is right about you has no affect on what you choose to do or say.

    for example, im looking forward to the release of the Lost season 6 dvd so that i could see the additional footage that didnt make it into finale. this would be considered typical of me, and would certainly be in line with what people think of me.

    however, thats not why im looking forward to it. im not looking forward to it because thats what is expected of me. im looking forward to it because i enjoy Lost, very very much. and the fact that people would assume this doesnt actually affect my decision, even though people would be right in assuming that.

  4. your conforming with an image people have built up which represents you to them whether you mean to or not


  5. but how would you know what they are thinking? if you dont know what they are thinking, then it doesnt have a bearing on your decision; not like knowing whats considered cool or not cool by society.

    also, register with blogspot and follow me. push it up to an even 20 :D

  6. ok obviously not for ever aspect of your life but there are many degrees of conformity and im saying i personally dont believe you can escape it even if its only a small amount.


    ps sorry if you guys actually care about my grammar but i cbf :)

  7. This is in my top 5 of favourite posts. I've wanted to say something like this but you've worded better than I could - LIKE!

  8. fair enough. but much better a small amount than letting it decide all.
