Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I realize that life isn't all about image. I get that we should just be who we are, and be honest, instead of trying to conform to what others do. But I did get a strange feeling of left-out-ness when I turned up to youth on Tuesday night; everyone was wearing long pants, some form of longsleeved top, and closed shoes.

I was in a t-shirt, shorts, and jandals. And you know what the worst part was? The jandals didn't match; one was yellow and one was blue. It was in the back of my mind all night and no one even mentioned it. Hardout glad no one noticed. Unless I'm percieved as such a fob that people think this is the norm for me, and therefore no amusement would be had in pointing it out?

The latter would not surprise me.


  1. i assure had i been then i would have made a point of saying something if not for your benefit then for mine :D but i agree its lame that we're so image orientated but thats one of those things that you'll probably never change my friend.


  2. well if its any consolation, i do have another yellow jandal somewhere in the house, i just couldnt find it that night.
