Thursday, December 9, 2010


We got our bandwidth back baby! Top-up time, yusss. No more waiting ten and a half years for to load. Fricken google dot co dot nz. Slow internet is in my top 5 least favourite things in the world!

Actually, that's probably an exaggeration. In fact, in the time it took me to write "Actually, that's probably an exaggeration", I thought of about 20 things that are suckier than slow internet.

That's also an exaggeration.

I need some coffee.

P.S - This is the THIRD post in a row staring with 'F'. I can't believe it.


  1. So much for your moan in the last post about having 2 in a row starting with 'F' lol. On a (slightly distantly) related note I totally agree with you about slow internet. If we happen to use up our monthly allowance (2GB!?!) I will generally pay for more myself cos waiting for pages to load drives me insane.

  2. Slow internet is one of the worst things I can think of. Once we used up our 10G, and had to top up THREE TIMES!! Paying that bill was no fun, but lagging through the remainder of the month would have been way stinkier.

  3. Lawl at the computer science majors commenting on the subject. Yes I agree with you guys :D
