Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bigger resolution time

"Simply by being in your presence, non-Christians ought to be able to tell that you have spent time in God's presence."

Awesome quote. No idea who first said it, or the first variation of it, but it's a quote that convicts me and motivates me at the same time.

What should be seen is the fruit. In John 15, it speaks of the fruit that we shall bear as believers, if we remain in Him. These fruits are the physical manisfestations, or proof, that we are spritually growing. These fruits can be seen by others, and should be seen by others. If not, then we're just a bunch of people going to some meeting every Sunday that frankly is a waste of our time.

Gotta get serious about this.

(the title alludes to my previous blog post about inside jokes lawl)

1 comment:

  1. Its funny, i almost believe in the same thing but substitute a person (god) for the universe. And i reckon that when you are aware of the possibilities you have in your life, then you can see it in a person.
