Saturday, July 3, 2010

"Nah that rules."

Earlier on, I posted a list of things I didn't like that most people like. This is the opposite. Things I think are awesome that people generally dislike. And I still think that I make up my own mind about things, and I'm not just trying to be different. To prove my point, later on, I will post a third entry on the topic, of things that me and society agree on. There are a lot. So don't believe the hype.

Okay. Example time (there are loads of stuff, but these are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head).

Well, rugby union is still interesting to me. Seems like I'm the last soul on earth still watching the sport and hasn't moved on to league. But maybe that's just because I don't support All Blacks, therefore I havn't been dissapointed and heartbroken for over 20 years because they still havn't learned how to chew before they swallow. (oh snap)

On a related note: I am a Springboks fan. Picked them before I moved to New Zealand, so it was a less ridiculous choice at the time.

Lost. Is. Amazing. Yes, that show about the people trapped on the island, who escaped the island, then wanted to go back, then had to travel through time... that show. Lost is the epitome of television greatness. The perfect blend of drama and science fiction, it created a world filled with characters so deep we cared about them and knew everything about them, yet was able to switch to sci-fi mode in an instant and make it seem so naturally a part of it's world. Haters can just get lost... (yes I did grin when I wrote that)

Zac Efron is the shiz. He's got the complete young actor package: marketable look, natural charm, actual acting ability, not to mention his experience in singing and dancing helps. He's the reason 17 Again wasn't a million types of suck. Even if you hate the High School Musical movies, there's no reason to diss the dude who made Troy Bolton such a likeable guy.

I think wrestling is ridiculous awesome. To see why, scroll down and read my informative albeit long post on the subject


I love winter.

1 comment:

  1. "If this were Afganistan, you would be pulled backwards through the streets by mountain goats with your hands cut off... just saying."
    - Zac Efron totally made that movie. Classic.
