Monday, July 5, 2010

Two & A Half Fails

I actually don't like saying the word "fail" but when trying to think of a title for this blog entry, 'Two & A Half Fails' just kind of flowed. Instead of trying to come up with some witty introduction to them, I'll just list the things about today that just didn't work out.

Fail: No Venue

Well, me and my mate Joel planned to meet up today, to continue writing a song we'd started about a week ago. The designated venue was our church auditorium; we figured we'd turn up, get the keys from whoever was there, and just use the instruments til we both had to leave for our other appointments for the day.

We get there, aaand... they were running a kids holiday program inside. Great. So what did we do? What was our brilliant solution? We bought big bens pies and sat in the car, waiting, hoping they would finish earlier than planned. You see, we would have gone inside to check, but as was summed up in the car: "Sunia might see us and make us clean up."

We did however manage to kill a lot of time with some good discussions about music, movies, graphic novels, and where we would meet up next time.

Fail: No Practise

The title of this fail is a dead giveaway. I thought there was music practise tonight at 7.30. Got there at 7.18 and there was no one in sight, but I thought that this was one of those times where it LOOKED like there was nothing, but then one minute before it starts everyone just arrives at the same time. But nope, not this time. Just sitting there alone in the cold dark night. Emo face.

The best part? Amy tried to tell me that there wasn't any practise before, and I did the whole condescending disagreeing thing, shaking my head and saying: "No no no Amy, there is, don't worry about it k. Just leave me here, it'll be all good."

1/2 Fail: Just Passed

Read my uni results... Yeah, I passed, but I didn't sass up like I know I could have. Next semester, definately gonna be less wagging. Or should I say, definately gonna be more studying. Yeah, the second one doesn't sound so bad.


  1. Dude, that 1/2 fail was a full fail! You know you're smart. What's smart is not sassing up. You can do it. So do it already.

  2. D'oh. "What's NOT smart is not sassing up"

  3. it's a half fail cos its a pun. i passed. i didn't fail. see? :D

    but yes, the rest is noted.

  4. lol i say that after every semester... but i think next time for reals? hahaha
