Monday, July 26, 2010

Okay. Not good.

Okay, so this semester isn't exactly turning out to be the attendfest that I'd hoped it would be. Definately missed classes last week. And this week... Eeeek. That's NOT the way to turn those wag-all-semester-and-still-somehow-pass grades into excellent grades.

Why is wagging so easy? Oh yeah, because the commute is expensive and no one likes spending 2 hours on the train, just to listen to a one hour lecture. Not to mention I always, ALWAYS, manage to sit next to those loud girls on the train that sit far away from each other but still converse loudly, laughing after everything they say, which usually is ridiculouly unfunny and crude. But yes, I know, excuses, excuses. In the immortal words of Troy Bolton: Get your head in the game Jesse. (well, he didn't say Jesse, I added that bit. but he did say* the other words).

Time to pick things up a notch, up the intensity, and get my ass to town. Shouldn't have turned up to high school during 3rd period like I always did, didn't set up good habits. And plus I'm really annoying Matt and Syavie. Oops.

* = sing


  1. attendfest lol, yeh i hate the train, mastering sleeping and waking up @ my stop

  2. FYI - Those train girls don't converse, they "conversate"
