Tuesday, September 28, 2010

One super power

"If you could have one super power for a day, what would it be?"

Some time in our lives, we've all asked this question, and we've all answered it. It is the ultimate boredom question. You know, no one asks this question when they are having a good time. Have you ever heard this question while out with your mates? Nope. You know why? Because you are actually having fun.

But then, in those desperate times where the conversation becomes dull and repetitive, humanity as a whole has concieved the best convo-saver. It spawns so many new questions and discussions, not to mention that people actually tend to think really hard about the answer. Which is funny isn't it. Society in general these days doesn't really care about most things. We like to pretend that we are too cool to care. But when we are asked about what super-power we would have for one day? Ooooh. That's snerious. We are nonchalant towards everything but the one-day-super-hero question.

It's almost like if that situation actually ever came up, and we actually got to have a super-power for a day, whatever we had picked during the last time we discussed it would become the automatic answer. So we hardout don't wanna get it wrong while we're talking about it. We feel reluctant to just toss out any answer. Or else in the future we'd be like, "Dammit, why did I pick THIS lame power? What a waste!!"

Think... Think.... Think...



X-Ray vision?

You know when it gets heated? When people start picking superheroes instead of superpowers. Like: "I wanna be like Superman." No no no. Don't even go there. I'm a firm believe in the one-power approach. Supes has super-strength, flight, heat vision, etc. You can't just be 'superman'. PICK ONE POWER! Don't be lame. It's like being the "If I had one wish I would wish for a million wishes" guy. And as we all know, no one likes that guy. That guy is what society refers to as "douchebag".

I know I don't have many commenters (you guys know who you are; you guys rule), but for readers who feel like commenting right now, hit me up in the comments section if you have an answer.

As for my answer?


It depends.


  1. Fire bending.
    Hot! (Literally. And in the literal sense of literal, not the Kardashian one...)

  2. honest to who firebending... if i were to choose one of the elements as my superpower i would probably be either water or air right. i wanna ride that ball that aang makes :D

  3. im gonna get all snerious and think about it for a week :D

  4. flight. took me two seconds jesse

  5. thats because you picked a dumb one :D

  6. flight as it would be useful for saving the world, impressing people, having lots of fun, reduce my carbon footprint and let me see people I love who are faraway
