Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Film Review: The Other Guys

The bottom line is this:

The Other Guys is hilarious. (That's right I start with the bottom line. I work my way backwards from there.) Best comedy so far this year. This film is not as genius as Anchorman or Blades Of Glory, but it still has a hell of a lot of laughs.

For years now, Will Ferrell hasn't been on top of his game. He will never be outright unfunny, but as far as his films go, they have been lacking in recent times. Of his last 3 movies, I only found Step Brothers amusing. Semi-Pro? I can't remember anything about it, asides from him fighting a bear in one scene. Land Of The Lost? I've tried to watch that movie twice now, and both times I just got bored and stopped. Which is sad, as Will Ferrell is hands down my favourite comedic actor.

However, with the help of trusted director Adam McKay (Anchorman, Talladega Nights) and suprisingly funny partner in law and order Mark Wahlberg (The Departed, Max Payne), Ferrell returns to form in the buddy cop film The Other Guys.

One thing that I noticed about this film is the presence of actual jokes. Instead of just relying overly on the usual Will Ferrel shtick of him falling over and yelling really loudly like an idiot, the writers decided instead to actually to give him funny dialogue. There are countless genius one-liners in the film, including an absolutely hilarious extended dialogue sequence involving lion-hunting tuna (which rivals the "Dear baby Jesus" prayer in the Talladega Nights).

The plot itself is curious in that it's very forgettable. There was something involving someone owing money to someone else and trying to steal it from another someone to make up for it. To be honest, the plot is the only thing I didn't like about the movie. But it's not so much the story that makes this movie; rather, much of the comedy stems from Wahlberg and Ferrell's verbal exchanges, showing that Marky Mark can hold his own in a comedy. In fact, he plays one of the funniest "straight man" in recent comedies.

I definately recommend this movie, especially to people who think Will Ferrell has lost his touch. It proves that he's got plenty more in his tank as far as making funny movies go. Couple that with the fact that the upcoming Megamind also looks funny, it looks like the days of making unfunny funny films is over. At least for now.

Will Ferrell is back baby.

Final Rating: 4 (out of 5)


  1. Just saw this last night and it was crack up cause I kept laughing at different parts from EVERYONE else in the cinema lol One of my fave jokes? When Highsmith and Danson invite everyone to a party with the most ultimate C-list 'celebrities' ever LOL


  2. that bit was crackup aaas.

    "brody jenners gonna be there..."

    *all the cops look excited and impressed*
