Thursday, October 28, 2010

Something that keeps happening to me

Sorry about the unoriginality of the title of the post, I just couldn't think of anything at all...


I'm not sure if it's just me, but does anyone keep hearing that beep noise that Facebook makes when you get a chat message, even though no one is chatting to you? It's a daily occurence for me now. I'd be browsing a page on another tab, then.... "beep!" But when I go to the Facebook tab (dun dun dunnn!), there is no new message. Seriously, I hear it even when there's no music playing and I'm offline.

And on the flip side, when I do chat to people, they could send 5 messages in a row sometimes before I notice that they had even sent any, not to mention by then usually they have gone offline because it took me how long to get back to them, because I didn't even know they were talking to me.

sup bro

why you keep snobbing me for?

you never reply

nvm g2g

Sigh. More signs that I'm going crazy. Ah well. Had a good run of sanity I guess.


  1. please come to matts bbq when he organises it. i can pick you up if you dont have a ride

  2. It's just you. Lol! Nah, I can't say coz I turn my FB chat sound off. But I do believe that it is more of a "pop!" than a "beep!"

  3. oh yes, a pop! precisely, that sound! drives me nuts.
